A Fruitful Day of Learning

cohort21Cohort 21:  Season Four Kick Off! 

Energy. Enthusiasm. Brainpower. Collaboration. Technology. Motivation. Inquiry. Growth Mindset. Personalized Learning. Professional. Fun.

When I was considering participating in Cohort 21, these were just a few of the ways that the Cohort 21 experience was described by my colleagues and friends. Little did I know that these phrases couldn’t truly encapsulate the Cohort 21 experience. Our first F2F this Saturday set the tone for the remainder of year–excitement and discovery. It was amazing to see so many professionals working collaboratively to extend their knowledge not only of technology but of the intersection between technology, teaching, learning, and educational pedagogy. There were oodles of opportunities to share resources, dive into ed-tech tools, and discover the passions that drive us all.

Throughout this day of buzzing professional growth, I couldn’t help coming back to the following: what can I bring back to my school? what might my action plan be? how can I get people motivated to participate? And the questions kept coming.

As I usually have to do, I took a breath and remembered that this is a slow and iterative process; that I don’t need all the answers to these questions today, and that just asking these questions can be a step in the right direction.

In the end, though, I did have something to take with me back to my school–an infectious enthusiasm for all things Cohort 21. 



3 thoughts on “A Fruitful Day of Learning

  1. Welcome aboard!! So glad you had a great experience. You are so right, let the weekend sink in and there is no rush to have all the answers yet. Just get comfortable with the tools and the real process begins when we meet again in November. It will be here before you know it! Right @gnichols?? 🙂

  2. Hey Tanya,
    Nice way to sum up the experience. You’re right that it’s so hard to explain what C21 really is and I think it’s a part of its magic – it’s different for everyone but exciting for all?

    At the GAFE Summit we focused on #TryOneThing and remember this is the beginning of the rest of your career!

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