Reckless Beginner

The title “Reckless Beginner” comes from a knitting blog I happened across. It conjures up a familiar enthusiasm and a willingness to “get in there”, experiment, try something new and learn from the experience. It also too often describes my practice in the classroom. I set in motion rich tasks and experiences that are exciting and rewarding for the students, but underpinned with a […]

“I can’t find ANYTHING anymore.”

Between June and September my school switched to Google. Cue the thunderclap and lightning effects! There have been a variety of consequences and experiences, both positive and disruptive, as our community – students, teachers, administrators, support staff and parents – variously, implemented and grappled with the changes. We are all doing our best to learn and to […]

Out of the Box—and into the Pool

I have practiced design process for many years because I am a Designer. What I never fully realized is that the associated thinking process had permeated my daily life and become integral to who I am. There were hints. In all sorts of situations, I like observing people and problems and teasing them apart in unexpected ways. Once in a while […]