As I embarked on my journey with Cohort 21, I believed that I wanted to focus on making more time for authentic opportunities for observation/conversation with students and the ways in which this pertains to documentation of learning. I received some valuable feedback from educators and coaches in the Cohort 21 community which I was…
Authentic Opportunities for Observation/Conversation
HOW MIGHT WE QUESTION: How might we leverage a relationship-based approach to create authentic opportunities for observation/conversation with students? My thinking shifted quite a lot both from the first to the second face to face session, as well as from the beginning to the end of the second face to face session. I really enjoyed…
Urgent vs Important – Reflections on the return to school
Question 1: During the first face to face we used the language of Urgent vs Important to help frame our thinking around our use of TIME. Reflect on why you joined Cohort 21 and your professional goals for this year. Now that the year has begun and you have met your students what IMPORTANT goal…