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10 thoughts on “Final Action Plan

  1. Hi Natalie,
    Thanks for this post! I am excited to find out more from you about how this played out in the classroom. I wonder if you could elaborate to tell us what you used to do versus what you’ve done now, and then explaining the transition. I really like the student piece at the end, and I am so excited to see your journey take flight!

    Congrats on a great year, and see you soon,

    1. Thanks, Garth! Unfortunately, I won’t see you on Friday, because Crescent is running a huge ARTS DAY/NIGHT. I will be sure to add more information to my slide deck.

      Thanks so much for all your support!

  2. Natalie,
    Congratulations you did it!!! I have heard lots of buzz about flipgrid but have not yet investigated and tried it out yet. Do you think it would be something that Grade 2 students could use? I’d love to connect with you more on Friday! I particularly liked hearing that the text could be read to students. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      YES….you can even record your prompt….I use it in ALL subjects. It is great for reading reflections and book talks. Unfortunately, our school is running a HUGE ARTS day and I won’t be at there on Friday. Feel free to reach out, if you need any suggestions or resources!



  3. Hi Natalie,
    Thanks for sharing. I live the question “Tell me everything you know about triangles” and how open it is. I’m wondering how you collected the feedback from the students? Were you able to survey them about their experience to understand how their thoughts changed from your original interviews at the start of the year?
    Flipgrid is such a powerful tool – I love seeing how you used it in Math!
    Sorry we won’t see you tomorrow, but please keep in touch and keep blogging!

  4. Hi Natalie!

    Thank you for sharing your journey with Flipgrid. It seems that it has made some profound changes to your teaching in math. Who doesn’t love triangles!

    You will be missed tomorrow! I appreciate that technology can make a difference, but ultimately, it is the person behind the tech that makes the difference. Thank you for taking this on and making a difference for the students that are in your class.

    I hope the end of the year goes well!


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