During our last F2F Crowdsourced Inspiration, someone left an amazing resource for me to use called, Open Middle http://www.openmiddle.com/  Thank you! You know who you are! I would love to give a shout out, but I have no idea who you are!!!!

I wanted to share with everyone. It is a useful resource for any math teacher out there.  I am using this now and I will continue to! It is helping me with my action plan and with my “How Might We” question.

How might we assess math to give student (s) choice, voice and an opportunity to reflect?


I am also app smashing using FlipGrid, which is a HUGE hit with students and parents! I can actually share these reflections with parents by adding them as a guest or showing them during a parent teacher interview!

That’s all for now!

Kami Export – IMG-1247


3 thoughts on “How Might We…

  1. Hi Natalie,
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks to the person who shared Open Middle – what an awesome resource.

    I love your HMW question as I think it will keep the students at the heart of your action plan. Thinking about true choice and voice in Math will be a great challenge to tackle.

    Flipgrid is definitely a powerful tool. Anyone else out there using it?

  2. Hi Natalie,
    I think that reflection is so very important in making learning matter to our students. Thanks for taking this on in your work as well! I know that @hprosser is interested in this as well!

  3. Hi @nvera,

    I like your how might we question. I’m also looking into how to promote reflection in my classroom, across all disciplines. The resource with the open middle math questions was a good one. Using questions that are open routed or open ended are also great as students can use different methods to solve the questions and for open ended, there isn’t one right answer.
    The following are resources I’ve found for great math problems that are engaging for students and more open:
    Dan Meyer- 3 Act Math Tasks (https://tapintoteenminds.com/3act-math/)
    Would You Rather Math Problems (http://www.wouldyourathermath.com)
    Which Doesn’t Belong (http://wodb.ca)

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