It’s a new year, a new term, and a new start.  Like so many others, I have big plans and high goals for 2017. Professionally, this includes of course, working on my Cohort 21 Action Plan.

All week we have been bombarded with stories about new year resolutions and tips on the best way to keep them. For me, a hopeless procrastinator, there is nothing more motivating  than… a deadline.

To help keep me on track, I’m putting it my action plan out there on the world wide web. Gulp! Here goes…


How might we engage students and staff in learning about, and making use of, our school’s new innovation space?

The Plan:

  1. Meet with the Nancy (Principal) to discuss my plan. Check.
  2. Continue to research-more about makerspaces, resources, tools, ideas etc. Ongoing.
  3. Present a mini introduction about makerspaces and my action plan to staff. (January?)
  4. Interview users -Students and Staff. (January?)
  5. Launch the first set of “Lunch and Learns” for students. To start, on a range of guided/pre-selected topics. (February/March)
  6. Reflect and evaluate. Interview users. (March-)
  7. Tweak. Test. Repeat.
  8. Formulate ‘new’/revised action plan…

Ok it’s out there, now to put it into action! I’ll be sure to start my plan first thing…  ‘tomorrow.’






7 thoughts on “The Plan.

  1. Michelle, this looks great! I love the fact that you are meeting with the users and conducting lunch and learns. Understanding that all of our plans need to be reassessed and possibly ‘tweaked’… way to go! I’m excited to see how this goes. Can you include pictures of your innovation space in your future posts?

    1. Thanks Brett. I will post pictures next time, and will be sure to update once the lunch and learns get going. Still thinking through some possible topics to start and the age groupings.

  2. I’ve been doing some research into organizational change, and you’ve hit on a few really strong points of action. I would strongly encourage you to seek out a small “coalition of the willing”. These are the teachers that are already interest, and/or have a belief that this space has the potential to improve the student experience in learning and engagement. Work with them to obtain ‘small wins’, and then shout them from the roof-top!

    I’ve introduced a maker-space at a school before, and one thing that I wish I had done more of, was getting the teachers into the space, and holding orientation sessions, and brain-storming sessions for how and when they might use the space with their students.

    Good luck! See you soon!

  3. Hey Michelle,
    Great start to your action plan! @crussell was in a similar boat with her action plan and I know @jsmith was a big fan of her action plan. @jmedved & @gnichols are great resources to pepper with questions as well!
    If any of your French teachers want to be a part of the “Coalition of the Willing” I’d be happpy to help them explore Design Thinking in a second language classroom to be able to take advantage of the space.
    Looking forward to seeing how this progresses! Would love to hear more on Friday!

  4. Thanks for the suggestions Garth. I think there are some interested staff and teachers, but the challenge as always is time. Everyone (students and teachers) have a lot on their plates, but the hope is, as we get started the buzz will grow! I’m planning on showing the Rubik’s video during my presentation at the staff meeting-it’s so inspiring, they will have no choice but to get involved!

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