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It is rare that I attend PD where I go home so tired, and yet, so invigorated and refreshed. My brain hurts. I’ve thought a lot leading up to today about my action plan, my goals and what success would look like for my actions. I’ve seen some success, but I also know I have a long way to go to really get to where I want to be in my own teaching to have the impact I want this project to have on my students and their resiliency.

Today I thought, talked, reflected even more and was challenged (in a good way) and all of this kept me returning to my ideas with new lenses to see how else I could best enhance peer-to-peer feedback for my students as a piece of their resiliency puzzle.

I don’t think my “how might we” statement changed today, but I do think that I’ve changed how I need to go about approaching my next steps. This is the beautiful thing about having so many talented, reflective and critical thinkers in the same space is that you can approach an idea from so many ways with so many background experiences in a 20-minute session because everyone has something they can contribute. And this, my friends, is why I am so exhausted and so recharged all at the same time. I am processing, and connecting all of the great ideas and I can’t wait to try them in my own space, but thinking is hard. Quality thinking is hard.