Cohort 21: The Beginnings

Saturday morning and there are more than 20 enthusiastic educators meeting in the library of The York School to collaborate on establishing a CIS Learning Community focused on bring innovation to the classroom of independent schools in Ontario. This is the first step in moving beyond our individual classrooms as educators and sharing and building between schools.

Over the past 3 years I have seen the value in developing a PLN (Personal Learning Network). Through Twitter (Handle: MarcieLew)  I have experienced collaborating with other educators around the world and believe in the power of social media in uniting educators to adjust current practice to improve student experiences and learning.

At first, I was intimidated to share my thoughts, ideas, and questions online but I quickly learned that members of my PLN were not critical of my ideas but instead provided constructive feedback and challenged me to better understand my own philosophy and practice.

I am looking forward to sharing, building, and reflecting through the Cohort 21 network!