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I was inspired by @jweeing and her recent post. The day before our first face to face and I’ve finally sat down to write my first blog post. I’m hoping to write more in the future but it’s a start.

I’m excited to meet and exchange ideas with everyone tomorrow having been unable to attend the first F2F. In the midst of a busy week I had the opportunity to have an inspiring conversation with @CammerJammer that reminded me of exactly why I joined #Cohort21 in the first place- to find like minded people who wish to inspire and innovate. I’m looking forward to bouncing ideas back and forth and find comfort that we are all here to support each other.

It’s a journey and we are all walking at different paces and arriving at different locations but that’s what makes this so exciting. We took our first step, we’re moving, and we’ll get there- wherever “there” is.  See you all tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “Taking the First Step

  1. @lwest,

    Can’t wait to meet you tomorrow in person. There will be a bucket-load of ideas bouncing around tomorrow. The buzz is real and contagious. Welcome to your Cohort21 experience!

  2. Hey Lisa,

    Love that you put yourself out there with your first blog post and made that awesome step into the unknown. I wonder how you have been processing your F2F experience and what new questions have arose for you?!

  3. @lwest I’m loving hearing about your progress toward your HMW statement in the Twitter chats and chatting with you about the work you’re doing with Startsole! The challenge you’ve set to build self-awareness among your students through empathy is a very worthy one and I see you model that everyday! Keep it up!

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