HMW…the forever evolving question

I started our last F2F with one HMW question and after some great discussions with some amazing educators my HMW question slowly started to shift towards something else.  I feel that it’s still evolving and changing, but I think at this point I’m getting closer.



How might we help students see the value in the process of completing a task/project, rather than just the final product.

I’m still not convinced of the final wording but pretty sure that I would like to work within this topic.  I feel that students are overly concerned with the final product and sometimes dismiss the importance/value of the process of getting there.

To guide them I’m thinking of some type of Genius Hour idea that requires them to focus on the process with plenty of opportunity for feedback and more importantly, their own reflection.  This reflection piece will certainly be part of the evaluation and integral to their learning.

Thank you to @lfarooq for the resource suggestion: Inquiry and Innovation in the Classroom: Using 20% Time, Genius Hour and PBL to Drive Student Success

I look forward to seeing how this unfolds!


1 thought on “HMW…the forever evolving question

  1. This is such a relevant issue- I certainly am struggling with inspiring that view of the process as the most valuable part of completing a task. I am really interested in how implementing or working with a Genius Hour works for you (such a cool way to approach this!)

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