On scaffolding mint reflection.

What does it mean to reflect? It can be difficult to articulate what exactly it means, and thus even more difficult for students to understand what a teacher might be asking for when they say, “Please write a reflection about your cell biology project.” I have asked my students to reflect many times over the […]

Happy Mole Day!

Happy Mole Day, everyone! Did you celebrate Mole Day today? In Chemistry 11 at Rosseau Lake College today was the kick off for our exploration of chemical quantities, the topic also known as stoichiometry. It was serendipity that we started this unit exactly on Mole Day, and I only realized what day it was when […]

In defence of matter.

It has recently been drawn to my attention that the first 20 elements of the periodic table are ripe for the picking when leaders explain why educational reform is both necessary and important. Let me first admit that I am a product of my time. I fondly remember my Chemistry 11 teacher, Mr. Berry, and […]

Why did I share that?

I shared a fairly personal example of a professional failure at the first Cohort 21 face to face session. If you were there you will possibly remember it, so the purpose of this blog post is not to rehash what has already been said. I wouldn’t want that in writing anyway. I want to talk […]

Sit up and take notice.

After cross country practice I returned home to the place we often still call “Eric’s House” and parked myself on the discombobulated sectional. As I sat in my favourite spot looking out the window over the back deck I noticed something spectacular. The cloud cover had broken over the setting sun and the forest behind […]

Never let your guard down.

I listened to Celeste Kirsh‘s podcast yesterday and got the clue to begin work on my introductory Google slide. As I scrolled through the “look book” I noticed just how many educators there are in Cohort 21 Season 7 and I became excited by the possibilities of connecting with so many other Ontario educators. So […]