Beginning the Race or Approaching the Finish Line?

As I finished the last slide for my Action Plan, I began to realize how real the #cohorteffect really is.

I am beyond excited to connect with everyone on Friday, however, I am not ready for this experience to be done. Where has the time gone? Wasn’t it just the first F2F session? I feel as if though I am just beginning the race, rather than approaching a finish line.


Click here for a sneak peak of my Action Plan:

I will be back to reflect on my action plan tomorrow… 

5 thoughts on “Beginning the Race or Approaching the Finish Line?

  1. @ksolowey I look forward to your reflection but I also love the “puzzle” theme you chose for your Prezi. It is perfect. MY colleague @ashaikh is building something similar at York and so is @crussell at Branksome Hall so our network of Primary Makers is growing!

    @rarcher is UCC playing in this space as well?

  2. Kristin, I am so excited by your Action Plan – clearly this has been an experience that has launched your thinking. In terms of ‘making in the classroom’, I strongly recommend this article: I think that you could make your Action Plan more effective by going after the “Why” more deeply. You write that you want to foster curiousity; however the maker movement does much more than that. What is it about the maker movement that inspires possibility? How does it connect with, and support your school’s mission/vision?

    The answers to these questions will go a long way to enrolling others into your vision. I look forward to reading more about your ideas, and to seeing you on Friday!


  3. Yeah, our Prep school has a space called the Holmes Lab and we’ve outfitted it with a lot of tools over the past year. We don’t necessarily call it a maker space but I think it would qualify. We’ve got a couple of really great teachers teaching in that space (it’s bookable) and if you wanted to connect with one let me know!

  4. Hi Kristen,
    Your action plan presentation is great! It’s wonderful that you found the experience enriching, and what’s great is that you’re a part of this community from here on out! You can continue to leverage the C21 community, engage in twitter chats, blog and continue to grow your PLN! Keeping a community of educators who inspire & challenge you, as well as people to collaborate with will keep you flying high!

    Thanks for all of your blog posts! I’ve really enjoyed them since my son is in grade 1 and my daughter starts next year! Wish we had a teacher like you to unlock the magic with my kids! Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

  5. Your comments on the #cohorteffect are so true – and the best part is that it just keeps going! I didn’t really feel the full #cohorteffect until the next school year, when it just KEPT GOING… the risk taking, the ideas, the comfort with being outside my comfort zone. So I can’t wait to hear what comes next – please keep blogging next year so we can all hear about it!

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