Student Documentation Using Seesaw

Here goes nothing!

Over the holiday I vowed I’d complete @ckirsh blog post challenge (to complete a blog post before January 8th).  This was my plan for last Sunday anyway … and then I sat in front of a blank computer screen for most of the day feeling like I hadn’t accomplished enough to blog about.  

Fortunately, my school had a PD day on Monday and I spent the day at the Future Design School!  I left our session having done a 180.  I realized, much to my dismay, that change takes time and happens in small steps and I had in fact been working on my project – HMW better capture student work to share with peers and parents?

I have grand goals of this leading to increased student self-reflection, peer feedback, and student-led conferences.  BUT, for now, this is a great place to start.


So what have I done since the last visit?

  • My school is small and young but rapidly growing.  I am part of a technology committee that has the shared goal of integrating technology into the school as it aligns with our strategic plan.  Last year we purchased a class set of Chromebooks to be shared in the Middle School.  It’s my hope that next year the Junior School acquires a class set of iPads.  I and another member of the tech committee completed a proposal for our Head of School to take to the board at their next meeting.  It’s sounding very positive that this will happen for September and my Cohort 21 project can take off.  
  • I spoke at our Junior School meeting on Tuesday.  Everyone is really interested in using Seesaw as a student documentation tool.  We are all going to explore the app with what devices we have (personal cell phones etc.) and hope to confidently launch Seesaw in September.  
  • An SK teacher and I have requested to tour a classroom that uses Seesaw.
  • In my own classroom I did an intro lesson with the student’s this week.  It was a massive success.  They are SO excited to document their work.  I hope the enthusiasm continues as we all share my cell phone.  

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday!

4 thoughts on “Student Documentation Using Seesaw

  1. @kshier You should consider attending the CIS Ontario Connects Conference. There is a strand dedicated to portfolios and sharing/celebrating student learning. It would be a perfect compliment to your action plan and help accelerate your work on your tech committee as you would be able to bring back lots of examples of schools already playing with SeeSaw.

  2. Seesaw is a really user-friendly tool and one that will bring you big gains in terms of increased parental involvement and awareness. And high fives on meeting the challenge!

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