How Might We

How might we include previously silenced or overlooked voices/people in our classrooms every day to ensure all students feel represented and seen in discussions and topics within the classroom?

At the moment I’m worried that my question is a bit too broad and ambitious. I’m thinking about narrowing it down to a specific age group or class but haven’t finalized my vision of how I want to carry this out. So here I am, still in a bit of a limbo but knowing that it will all be further developed as I continue to work on this question.

One Reply to “How Might We”

  1. Thanks for this post @kthibeault – I don’t think it is too broad when you break it down and define the key clauses:
    (1) how will you determine / research the overlooked voices / people?
    (2) how will you ethically and responsibly bring them into your classroom?
    (3) how will you involve and engage your students in this process?

    I think that you are definitely on the right track here, and depending on what you teach, a great place to begin is with culturally responsive classrooms.

    Hope this helps,