Finishing Up…by using something new!

10489991-Cartoon-of-frustrated-man-kicking-computer-Stock-VectorGo figure…the first effort wasn’t good enough, nor was the second, third, etc…hours later, I’m posting, not 100% what I wanted, but it all the time I have to spend on it.  I decided to use Powtoons to make it a bit more interesting to showcase the Action Plan learning. Adding comical figures and interesting transitions should make it more exciting to watch don’t you think?   This evolved into my adding voiceovers thanks to my daughter, Kristi (I just had surgery on my teeth and don’t speak as clearly as I would like.).  Then I got my students involved filming how they used the tool and what they liked about it.  I spent more time converting files that Powtoons would accept, only to find I couldn’t either get them to load (too long) or to advance to the next slide (I finally gave in to the program and typed up the quotes to finish).  Not 100% what I had hoped, but definitely a bit more entertaining than previous versions.  I also found I tried to scrunch down the content to make it easier to follow, but I’m not certain key points don’t get lost…have a look and enjoy a laugh or two.


2 thoughts on “Finishing Up…by using something new!

  1. Geri-Lee I really enjoyed this PowToons, and given that I am doing the same thing at my school, wouldn’t it be great to do a Lunch and Learn between our two schools? I’d love to share with you what we are doing as well – the challenges and opportunities!

    Let me know, and I look forward to seeing you on Friday!

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