All I Want for Xmas is a Growth Mindset

I’m already thinking about coming back in January, and continuing to cultivate growth mindsets throughout my school. I’ve talked about my school being a Learning Organization, and how many of us have adopted Twitter to help grow our thinking and PLN (#BVGLearns). In fact, it was a colleague, Matt Clark, who posted on Twitter (@mattclark…
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What is a Technology Coach?

How can I help? What do you need? Where do your students need support? These are the questions I ask my teachers, and myself, everyday. A technology coach is part leader, part follower, part IT, part EdT, but certainly all “learner”. In a recent White Paper, entitled “Technology, Coaching & Community”, the issue of awareness…
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The EduConference: Micro-Attendance #ISTE2014 #KSI14

These past two weeks have been a prime time for Educonferences – there was a great one at St. Clements in Toronto, The Klingenstein Summer program in Lawrenceville, and of course the ISTE 2014. But I was at none of them…or was I? I have colleagues who attended each of these conferences, and we were…
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Cohort 21 F2F Oct. 20th

Well, it’s almost lunch, and we’ve already accomplished so much (just check my Twitter Feed!). I’ve gotten to know a lot about the people that I’ll be learning with throughout the rest of this year. I’m sensing that there is a little bit of Vygotsky’s ZPD anxiety around blogging, what it is and how to…
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This is the first of many blog postings that will explore and reflect on the great work that my peers in Cohort 21 are doing. We’ve been trying to send the message of why this experience is so different from past professional development opportunities (HERE), and how this will benefit schools who send teachers –…
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