Returning to Blogging – Grade 9 experience



“This is me in Grade 9 Baby, yeah, this is me in Grade 9” – great lyrics from a great band. But they make me think about what we do, as grown-ups, to help us find out who we are. This song is about a picture, but it leads to memories. Memories of who we once were, and who we were trying to be.

What do these guys think of when they look back at their lyrics (reflections) and pictures? I think it helps them understand their identity and who they are… But this takes time, and it takes resources, like an Eportfolio, diary, or box set!

When I had my first adviser session this year, I asked my advisees to pull out their laptops and reflect on their recent school run Outdoor Education experience: a three day canoe trip. There was no whining, no whinging and no questions! They all knew what to do and how to do it. Dare I say, they are a part of the culture of blogging? Not only that, but they were more descriptive and colourful with their pictures. I believe that these entries from Grade 8 and Grade 9 will really help them understand who they are and who they can be. Reflecting on past experiences is great, but actually reading and seeing images of these past experiences, can make these reflections more meaningful, and more effective.

I was very proud of them to be so willing and able to pick up their reflections from where we left off last year. Hopefully, this will help them understand who they are and who they are trying to be “…in Grade 9 Baby!”

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