
We are one day away from our second Cohort21 session and as I read through the lovely and thoughtful comments of my last post I am struck by a simple instruction: start with the why, and everything else tends to fall in place.

Though I know simple does not mean easy, even reading this over now helps my shoulders relax.

I am looking for ways to improve my student portfolios and this year I have started in a new app called Sesame. I am finding great success with the app as a tool for documentation, marking and reflecting but I am still unsure of how and what to share with parents.

So, here I am starting with the why.


  • To document the learning process of my students
  • To share our classroom activities and learning progress with families
  • To reflect and grow

This is where I will start. Stay tuned.


5 thoughts on “Start with the Why

  1. This is a great start to your action plan – I look forward to seeing how your thinking evolves as we run through the activities tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing more about this!

  2. I hear great things about Sesame. I’m looking forward to reading about how you use it in your classroom.

  3. I’ve just created an account with Sesame after seeing it introduced at the Ontario EdTech Challenge at the DMZ at Ryerson. When it was being presented as a tool, I actually gasped in wonder! Do you have a school-wide subscription, @cgordon or are you just using the single, free account? I loved the possibilities for curriculum mapping provided by the school subscription, but I’m just testing it out on my own this year, which means I don’t have that option. Would love to hear how your experience with it goes!


  4. Thanks for sharing, @cgordon!
    Now that it has been a few months, are you still finding Sesame useful? Have you been able to see any tangible results from students reflecting on their work? I’d love to hear an update, and I’m sure others can learn from your experience.
    Looking forward to seeing you Friday!

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