
On the day of our school’s Student Led Conferences I am left reflecting on reflecting – something I have been doing a lot with Cohort21. As my students lead their parents through 10 different stations, discussing their learning, the obstacles they’ve faced along the way and the successes they have achieved, I am feeling pretty […]

Here we go!

This year marks my fourth year teaching in a grade one classroom. I am a different teacher today than I was four years ago and I look forward to continuing my growth.  A goal for me will be to use new technology and tools in my classroom in a way that works for me and […]

Welcome to Cohort 21

Welcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan. Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario […]