What’s in a Name?

Looking through various different sites and resources online I recently came across November Learning at http://novemberlearning.com/blc-education-conference-2014/.  I don’t know much about the educational conferences they run but the organization seems to have been started by a man named Alan November.  How fitting, Mr. November running November Learning being found in November.  It begs the question of what our names have in them for us.

The name Bohte is read ‘bo-tay’ but is read most often by people as ‘boat’.  This innocent mistake has a lot of potential.  There is of course, education on a boat at http://www.picton-castle.com/bosun-school.html .  There is the fact that the analogies that could be drawn with life and learning are never-ending; life is like a journey at sea, the tides push and pull our boats of life or our life boats to and fro, we live and we learn as we sail and we yearn, etc.   I should probably look to capitalize on the ‘boat’ of my name more often.

There has been the odd reading of my name as ‘bow-tie’.  This fateful misnomer may be slightly more unfortunate as it leads only to inevitable fundraising events and out-dated fashion sense.  Either way, I end up needing a new wardrobe of speckled bow-ties.

So what is in a name?  Well, as we all live and learn, I guess we will find out.