Daily Archives: October 19, 2013

An Introduction to Cohort 21

It has been years since I have been as excited and as humbled by the amount of work, resources and knowledge that are all becoming available to me today.

What is running through my head:

Just in time learners

Learning the skill and the will (to learn continuously)

Why transmit academic content that students can just look up on the internet.

Content knowledge, Skill to achieve that knowledge, Will to seek out, motivation, to be able to persevere and obtain that knowledge

What skills matter most today? Critical thinking, collaboration, accessing and analyzing information

“I can teach them the content,  but what I can’t teach them is how to analyze it”

Where does knowledge lie?

What is the role of content?

How does this apply to my practice? How does this apply to my classroom?

How can I use this with my students? How relevant is this for elementary education?