Our new world. Post pandemic – dare I say?


I heard that no pandemic has ever had more than 4 waves, I really hope that holds true. That being said, I am truly grateful for each and every day that we are in person AND that my kids are in person, they needed to be back in class. Mental health, physical exercise, socialization and ahem… their “student-skills” are all needing to be back.

I think back to a year ago, there was so much uncertainty – how would we wear a mask all day? How will the kids? And as adaptable beings, here we are, so comfortable in our masks that people often forget they are still wearing them. But I can’t wait for the days when we can move past this.

I found my students have had a tough start. They are not used to “school” – which includes the cycle where you show up, be present, practice with work at home and the come back to share your learning, as we continually move through this cycle their understanding deepens. But we are getting there, slowly, but it felt heavy and my teacher/mom heart felt worried for all those students who are working away in this context but aren’t loved the way our CIS Ontario students are loved.

So this year I am on a big shift in my teaching practice, tbh I am probably changing too much at once, so I will pick one part to talk about as my important goal. I am changing my approach to assessment and I am excited and overwhelmed by all that needs to be changed. I finally understand how important it is to assess with variety and frequency. I am using the curriculum as my guide and assessing based on the expectations (I know this might sound obvious but it’s not)!

I had a hard time landing on one of the strands. I want them all! But I am sticking with my first instinct, Leading through Change and Wellbeing, I think it aligns with my goals to change my assessment.  I believe the changes I am working to introduce will offer my students more understanding of their learning, which has to impact their wellness, and generally, I approach everything I do as an educator with a lens of wellbeing. Wellbeing is everything. These students that are under our care need to be taught how to grow up into adults with a profound knowledge of wellbeing and how they need to care for themselves and their village.

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