Imagine that you had the power to have perfect recall of everything you have ever read, heard or seen.

Would you want this power?


I recently watched the series “Limitless” which is a TV Show that follows a man who after consuming a pill has the capability to do it all. He can recall everything he has ever read, heard and seen for 12 hours. There are times that I wish I portrayed this superpower, as it feels that there is always so much to do and quite often I feel that I am not doing enough…

But then, I stop and think.

“Life goes by really fast. If you don’t stop to look around sometimes, you could miss it.”

I have heard this quote numerous times before, but lately, it has become something that I am trying to live by. Each day we wake up, go to work, go home to have dinner, go to sleep and then wake up and do it all again. If we don’t stop to enjoy the little things, life too quickly can pass us by. This quote felt timely to share, as we are approaching our third Face to Face session. How did we get here so quickly? It feels that just yesterday we were all meeting for the first time at The York School to kick off our Cohort21 year. Looking back at the first and second F2F sessions, and at the ideas and plans that followed, it is apparent that sometimes we try to tackle too much. I have learned to accept the fact that it is okay to step back and scale down. Doing a few things well is better than doing a lot of things okay.

Cue the Action Plan!

My Action Plan has taken many twists and turns and continues to be a little blurry. I started out thinking that I wanted to look at how I could provide my SK’s with a learning environment that would support inquiry based learning within the classroom. I quickly scratched that and decided to focus on how we could implement student-led conferences in the Junior School (to take place of the February Parent Teacher Interviews). Once again, there was a shift in ideas and now I am working towards focusing on how to effectively use MakerSpace and Tinkering with Junior School (K-4) aged children.


NOTE: I am still interested in gaining information on how Student-Led conferencing look in the Junior School!

My Action Plan (Rough Draft!):

  1. Connect with the Middle School here at HSC to look at the new MakerSpace that is being introduced. My plan is to discuss ways that Junior School classes can make use of this space effectively. To get the ball rolling, I have made available “Tinkering” for an after school activity choice for the Junior School students to explore. By adding this new activity I hope that I can get a better understanding of what works and what we will need to help this program grow. Thank you to @gnichols and @jmedved for the great suggestions thus far!
  2. Connect with @crussell to look at how her school incorporates Student Led Conferences. My plan is to arrange a date to visit her school to share ideas and gain new knowledge.

My Action Plan is definitely is a work in progress. It is important for me to keep reminding myself that this is not something that will be done overnight. It is something that I will need to keep chipping away at.


I look forward to connecting with you all on Friday!



  1. A important reminder to tackle projects one step at a time. Thanks for this post, Kristen.

    I’m eager to hear more about the evolution of your action plan and the MakerSpace at Hillfield. We recently acquired a number of 3D printers (Ultimaker) at Ridley as part of our Digital Learning Studio and have been using them in our DT classes. The hope is to make them available for whole school use through clubs and activities in the not so distant future. I’ve been speaking with a number of schools in New England about Tinkering programmes in their Lower Schools and would be happy to share some research about how they ‘grew’ their clubs and activities.

    In the meantime, have you seen/heard of the film, “Most Likely to Succeed” out of Sundance (2015)? Might be of interest.

    Looking forward to connecting on Friday.

  2. Technically you’re not late! Looks like you’ve done some serious thinking about what your next steps are. You are always welcome to come and visit us as well. We’ve recently renovated our Holmes Lab, which is our version of a makerspace equipped with three 3D printers and lots of other cool gadgets. We also do student led conferences and I could connect you with some of our junior teachers. You know where to find me!

  3. Kristen – pretty amazing things coming out of that Makerspace experience! No wonder you are keen to bring it to the Kindergarten age-group. With their creative minds, the sky’s the limit.
    BTW, your tag line, “You can’t scare me, I teach Kindergarten” is the best!

  4. Hi Kristen,
    Nice post! I love that your action plan has taken a meandering path to arrive at something you really want to explore. What are you hoping Ss will get from the experience? Are you hoping they’ll drive the learning (see @crussell for some excellent posts!)
    I really liked this article about Student-Led Conference from Edudemic if you’re still looking to try it!

    Here is a teacher in BC who is looking to collaborate and could have some great ideas to help you on your way! Could be worth reaching out

    Looking forward to following your journey as you explore Makerspace in SK!

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