Bringing Drama to French Class

I had a hard developing a question and action plan in our last F2F, but I settled on the following: “How might I create more authentic situations in the French classroom?” When I read the suggestions during the feedback session, I realized, however, that my issue was more around my apathetic students in Core French. Fortunately, […]

Wondering about Curiosity

My ideal student is one who is curious, who asks meaningful questions, and is willing to take risks in the classroom. I’m pretty sure that’s what all educators want. When I reflect on what I was like as a student, however, I recognize that I was not always that kid in high school. I know […]

Welcome to Cohort 21

Welcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan. Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario […]