Investing in The Power of Girls: A Series of Authentic Financial Conversations

“Financial Literacy is not just about the money but about launching great kids.”
(Joline Godfrey, Raising Financially Fit Kids)

I have given my why, I have discussed my interviews, so now I focus on my learning intention. What is it that I really want to occur from this action plan??  

For our students:

  • to be empowered to make good decisions about money (to make money meaningful)
  • to open the door for money conversations to happen at home
  • to understand what life takes financially
  • to develop their own perspectives on money (and not just what they hear at home)
  • to dispel any preconceived notions about their personal finances (Eg. I won’t be able to afford a house, I won’t be able to have kids)
  • to use money to be a citizen of the world

For our parents:

  • to openly talk about finances with their child (even if it is not success)
  • to understand the use of an allowance 
  • to use the 3 piggy bank strategy (save, spend, charity)
  • to help their child start their own charity or business (should they chose to)
  • to allow their child financial independence 
  • to use money to be a citizen of the world

For teachers:

  • to prepare our students for life outside of high school
  • to use money to be a citizen of the world

HMW use age appropriate authentic contexts in order to teach the skills of financial literacy and promote a culture of philanthropy?

I took all of the above and categorized them into 3 areas of interest:

  1. Money mistakes and growth
  2. Philanthropy and doing good with the money you have
  3. The importance of being financially independent and successful on your own

So how do I empower the next generation of girls to be financially literate and philanthropic?

I hold an authentic conversation. 

My action plan is two fold.

  1. Upper School (May 26, 2020)
    1. To host a panelist of 3 women (representing each of the 3 categories above) to share their authentic stories with Grades 8-12. To give them perspectives of real world financial literacy and philanthropy.
    2. To create a handout where students can take notes, write questions and answers and reflect on their own financial literacy goals, opening the door for conversations at home.
  2. Lower School (June, 2020)
    1. To host a “showcase” including both parents and students that will be tiered in the roles for each grade from 4-7, discussing profit & loss, the 3 piggy banks, doing good with their money and investments for future (eg. RESP, TFSA)
    2. This will be an activity that allows parents and students to work together to build their financial literacy and philanthropy.

After presenting my action plan to the Head of School, she believes this is a topic that should not happen just once a year, she wants me to make it a series or yearly event; a continuum of financial literacy learning for our girls and their families. The topics and panelists can and will change as we address other topics in the future such as teaching our girls it’s ok to ask for a higher salary, how to deal with money fraud, how to start your own charity. But the concept is the same, community members sharing their authentic stories and the lessons learned in hopes it will guide, empower, and educate our future generations. 

“The difference between a fantasy and the realization of a dream is having the financial skills to make the fantasy come to life.” (Joline Godfrey, Raising Financially Fit Kids)

Thanks @swelbourn for your continued support and edits!
@vogtteaching @lmustard @Mathy_Panda @WoodleyMarnie


2 thoughts on “Investing in The Power of Girls: A Series of Authentic Financial Conversations

  1. Hi Penny,

    This sounds like an amazing initiative! It is great that you are engaging your students in relevant and authentic conversations about financial literacy. I taught the Careers and civics courses with grade 10 for a couple of years – this is something that I always struggled with and tried to shoehorn into the curriculum. I am particularly impressed that you have pitched it appropriately to your student body and the status the issues they are likely to face in later life.

    I was wondering whether you have reached out to any alumni who work in the financial industry for a potential partnership? We had a valuable experience with inviting alumni to form panels at careers day.

    I look forward to hearing more about how your initiative develops.


    1. Hi Laura,

      Thanks for your support. Yes indeed I have asked a few Alumni to be one to attend our session in May, but I haven’t asked for anything further. Definitely something to look into!

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