An Inspired Thanks

Cohort F2F #3 was great. Not only did I love the sweet nametags @jmedved @gnichols and team created, I liked the fact it was less about writing and more about engaging. I joined Cohort as an opportunity not just to explore my own growth as a teacher but to connect with colleagues and like-minded peers. This one truly allowed me to do that.Image result for dare to lead

Firstly, I’d like to thank @gnichols for his blog about Dare to Lead. I’ve borrowed the audio CDs from the library and am enjoying my car rides. I’m usually a cyclist year round. My new amazing job has meant having to rethink my transportation. I appreciate the speed of a car ride but I miss the adventure that comes with biking. The winter is harder without my bike snow tires in action. This book has made the drive more interesting. I’m learning about the value of vulnerability, trust, truth, and heart in leadership and connection. I’ve already transferred some of my learning to my classes. I always give my students a timeline for each project with a little flex. I inevitably give my students extra time. So this time, I’m planning to share the calendar but then ask the students to suggest adjustments individually to support their process.  

That’s kind of what I hope my C21 project will be.

  1. Think of and ask about major areas that teachers wish to be better at, learn more about and grow from.
  2. Read a book related to the topic. Bookclub!
  3. Review the book, suggest some ideas (not just me, with others interested and share – how that’s happening is to be decided.

So in this case…

  1. What to do about motivation to meet deadlines. (Though I didn’t realize this was the question at first)
  2. Listen to a great book that touches on this idea (and more!) = Dare to Lead
  3. Consider bringing the students into the conversation and asking them, like Brene Brown did, what they need to be successful and what helps them.

Anyway… you get the idea. I wasn’t expecting to learn so much from this book but I’m already lining up 3 more of Brown’s books. Thanks, @elissaGelleny for inspiring me to chug along with this idea to explore books and inspiration. I’ll get there!

Last week my school also had Damian Cooper in. He spoke so engagingly about assessment. Before you fall asleep thinking it’ll be the same conversation, I have to say, it was interesting. A few moments of “oh ya, I do that, go me” a few “oh ya, I really should try that” and a few “what a unique approach, how haven’t I thought of that before, I’m trying it” moments. It was great to share some of my learnings with others at our F2F.

Image result for learning skillsOne learning was that Learning Skills were designed based on a hireable scale. They are based on skills one looks for when hiring someone – a good communicator, a team player, self-motivated, etc. If we are supporting our students for careers that don’t yet exist and their next step, whatever that may be, shouldn’t we truly be focusing on this?

It was great to chat to @apetrolito about this workshop. It was also great to hear how your assessment idea is growing. I definitely have your alternative assessment approaches on my mind. I love how during our chat we thought about assessment as a job interview – a chance to teach interviewing skills as a “will you be hired for the job?” (the “job” being the unit topic).

@mhamilton, great work on your project. You’ve made amazing strides and I look forward to following your journey further. Do share those great resources about your advisor activities. Thanks for highlighting the First Nations Food Guide and for the discussion you inspired about how the TDSB is so ahead of many of our schools and why it is so important (on many levels) to make a greater effort to begin and develop an Indigenous narrative in our schools. Plus I loved the Branksome Buzz. I’m so incorporating that idea at Crescent.

I also enjoyed how @acampbellrogers reminded us that culture is int he building of many people doing small things, talking about their ideas and directions and that over time, it will create momentum and ideally become sustainable. But that it’s tough!

I’m coming to you @ashaikh to talk about Google Innovators and to get a sweer design from Fivver.

I also learned about Goose Chase, Breakout Edu and Science Breaks during one of our breakout discussions. Great ideas to explore breakout rooms and technology in fun ways. Thanks to @jweening @ashaikhand @ljensen for leading that chat.

I also loved connecting with colleagues of the past. @mgr keep rocking your dedication to great things and @tjagdeoa thanks for always inspiring. And as always @scraig, it was lovely to chat. Although I didn’t get too much time to chat @gvogt, it was great to see you as well.

@lbelanger, I didn’t get to connect with you but @lara mentioned you were working on art history. I’d love to chat.

So yes, a great day of connections and brainstorming. I liked talking about assessment, about successes, supporting success for those, like me, that felt a little stuck, learning new things, eating delicious food and making me sad that was my last F2F. See you again soon on the digital world. More updates and details to come… one step at a time.

3 thoughts on “An Inspired Thanks

  1. I’m so glad that you found the day inspiring and useful – it is clear that you took a ton away from the various scheduled chats and informal conversations throughout the day. I got the book Dare to Lead for Christmas and I haven’t had a chance to crack it yet but I can’t wait. And I love your comments on assessment – I’m going to have to look up this Damian Cooper fellow. The idea of an assessment being like a job interview is such an unique take on our traditional ideas of assessment! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great post @jroberts! You’re digging into a lot of things here – Dare to Lead is on my list as well after several #Cohort21 shout outs as a ‘must read’ – if you haven’t read ‘Daring Greatly’ I can highly recommend that as a meditation on becoming comfortable with uncertainty. I like your approach here in using your blog to document the conversations and connections you’ve made at the F2F sessions; it keeps you accountable to the people and ideas bolstering and nudging you forward!

    1. I’m on her third book in a month. Rising Stong is on the audio now and Daring Greatly is next up. Dare to Lead really summarizes the findings from both of these in an applicable way.

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