This is my third year working at Rothesay Netherwood School in Rothesay New Brunswick.

I started working here as an Associate Faculty where I would live with our boarding students, plan weekend activities and was paired up with an English 9 teacher (our very own Graham Vogt) and coached three competitive teams. After doing that for two years, I was given the job of House Parent where I run one of the boarding houses, teach three courses and coach two competitive teams.

Private schools were never my thing – I grew up on Prince Edward Island where there were no such things. To say I fell into this world is an understatement, and I fell hard. It was simply right place right time.  My work is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. I am a mother to 20 young girls, a nurse, a therapist, a taxi driver and much more.

Good news is, I love every second of it!