
How might we empower JK students to engage in deeper thinking


How might we empower JK students to engage in deeper thinking with guided thinking routines

2) Since the second face to face, I was able to narrow my how might we question to reflect how I can support my students at where they are now. At this point, their comfort level in the classroom and their confidence, curiosity and excitement to learn about different topics has grown significantly.

3) From now until June, I hope to use Strategies from Maker-Centered Learning: Empowering Young People to Shape their Worlds (Clapp, Ross, Ryan, & Tishman, 2016). We will be inquiring about simple machines of things that JK students use and dissecting the purpose of the item and how it works to encourage students’ system thinking. Using this framework, I hope to empower students to be makers, be sensitive to design on everyday items and also develop maker skills by looking closely, exploring complexity, and finding opportunities to make something better at the end. By trying  Clapp, Ross, Ryan, & Tishman (2016) short cognitive tools I hope that students can develop these skills as a way to observe, think, and analyze the world around them.

4) What support do you need, and what questions do you still have?

I would like to look at different thinking routines to see which one will best help students in the early years.

Design the flow of the inquiry and brainstorm some items that students are interested in and comfortable to dissect.

Ideas on how could this process and growth be recorded?

What am I looking for? Rubric?

Design Thinking: Refining It

Just before I left C21 today, I realized that my HMW was not exactly what I hope to experiment with and it bothered me quite a bit hence I am still working on it after our session today. After a bit of reflecting, some help from Flint and also listening to each others ideas and thought today I have decided to revised my HMW two more times. I know it still isn’t perfect and I may have included too much information and need to narrow things down. Please share any suggestions.


Urgent vs Important – Reflections on the return to school

#1 ~ Kindergarten/Primary has always been a passion and their capabilities or capacity to learn and make sense of the world has always inspired me to try new ways to challenge them to build on their knowledge and make meaningful connections. This year I want to develop students skills and thinking routines to encourage age appropriate critical thinking and problem solving skills. I hope to either adjust part of the classroom to makerspace, or use makered centered learning routines, or questions / provocation skills. Develop a inquiry minded focus group and meet once a month with teachers and curriculum coordinator and like minded thinkers. This could be developing makered-centered learning routines in students to help them learn throughout the year.

#2 ~Engaging and supporting Jk -6. I am questioning my pedagogy for Kindergarten learners and looking for best practice in questioning and engaging in academic success. I am also thinking of how I can effectively assess my progress and students’ learning.

Hello world!

Welcome to Cohort 21 Cohort 21.

The mission of this professional development initiative is to build a community of passionate CIS Ontario educators who are interested in refining and redesigning their practice through the exploration of new pedagogies, ideas and learning tools.