Urgent vs Important – Reflections on the return to school

#1 ~ Kindergarten/Primary has always been a passion and their capabilities or capacity to learn and make sense of the world has always inspired me to try new ways to challenge them to build on their knowledge and make meaningful connections. This year I want to develop students skills and thinking routines to encourage age appropriate critical thinking and problem solving skills. I hope to either adjust part of the classroom to makerspace, or use makered centered learning routines, or questions / provocation skills. Develop a inquiry minded focus group and meet once a month with teachers and curriculum coordinator and like minded thinkers. This could be developing makered-centered learning routines in students to help them learn throughout the year.

#2 ~Engaging and supporting Jk -6. I am questioning my pedagogy for Kindergarten learners and looking for best practice in questioning and engaging in academic success. I am also thinking of how I can effectively assess my progress and students’ learning.