Ways of Knowing

Through the past few months, I have been challenging myself and my approaches to leadership and education writ large by exploring indigenous ways of knowing through the work of Richard Wagemese and other incredible resources provided by colleagues, and a workshop with Anima Leadership; in fact, I am excited to be taking part, just this…
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3 Resources for the Summer (and Aussie Winter!)…

To many of my readers, there is a long break ahead for the summer, while for others below the equator, schools are just getting started. This will be my last of my “3 Resources…” posts for while (I hope!), so I’ve decided on three compelling resources that offer compelling reasons and hope that education will…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved This Week…

This has been a week.  A week of pain, struggle and yet of inspiration and hope. Two things that I hold on to are words spoken by people I admire and respect: First is my Principal who often says that her mantra is”Hope is a choice”. I choose Hope. Another close colleague of mine said,…
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