My action plan will center around creating a culture of blogging, and effective leadership. At Greenwood College School, all teachers are expected to engage in on-going professional development and assessment. I have established these two areas as areas that I can work on to enhance my contribution to the learning community.

What I will be exploring is:

a) Why blog?
b) What are best practices in blogging?
c) What other areas (both within and outside of GCS) is blogging being utilized, and how can I leverage that expertise?
d) What does a culture of blogging look like? Behave like?


a) What is my leadership style?
b) What are some areas in leadership upon which I can improve?
c) What are effective leadership strategies to enhance my completion of deliverables?
d) Where can I grow as a leader? How can I get there?

I will be looking at research on blogging and leadership and using Diigo to annotate and collect these articles, books, sites, etc…

My final product for Cohort 21 will be a youtube video, hopefully, demonstrating how I started to implement a culture of learning, and to analyze my leadership style and areas of growth.

2 thoughts on “Action Plan

  1. Hi Garth,
    I’m really excited about your action plan, and seeing where your blogging efforts end up this year. I tried but was unable to read your students’ blog entries from winter camp. Perhaps an iPhone issue. I’m sure you were thrilled by what students had to say in the moment. What next? How accessible were these blog entries to the whole school? Did other students follow up with comments when they were back from camp? Blogging seems like a natural “bridging” venue between camp and the return to school; there are great opportunities here to connect both experiences.
    Look forward to discussing this at our f2f next weekend!

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