How do you Diigo?


I’ve been exploring the use of Diigo on my own and just introduced it my GLS students last week.  There were many kinks and questions from my students from a small homework assignment that was due today,  but in class we managed to work through them and problem solve together. diigo I asked if any of them truthfully thought they would use it and surprisingly about half of their hands went up as they saw the benefit of organising their notes for research purposes and the collaboration side of it.  The best way that I learn is to try something immediately or else I will forget about it.  I enjoy trying new things in my class and having my students ask questions that I don’t know the answer to – although, at times scary, I like the challenge. It’s a great tool and I’m thinking of other ways to incorporate it into my other classes. Looking forward to learning about other tools that will help out my students.