See/Think/Wonder & F2F


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The Cohort 21 class of 2015-2016 met for our first Face-to-Face session on Saturday October 17th. I offer my thoughts to other classmates.


What I Saw…

I saw a very focused, energetic, well structured and well executed program throughout the entire day.

I saw everyone at different levels of learning and understanding as well as at different places in their lives, careers and personal comfort. I saw a cross section of motivated K-12 educators coming together from so many different specialty areas each applying themselves in a manner similar to me.

I saw a high energy team of coaches and facilitators inviting us to try new things and encouraging us to jump in without overthinking it too much. Learn, Do, Sprint, Repeat… think about it later.

I watched Justin and Garth use tech in a manner that seemed so natural for the goals that they were trying to achieve. Not contrived or forced — the way it should be done. When it didn’t work I saw them effortlessly move on and find an appropriate alternative.

I watched and listened as they both took numerous opportunities to point out when something important happened. Those moments helped me to deepen my appreciation for the high level of thinking & learning that we were participating in. They caught us in those magic moments and told us that magic had just happened. Teachable moments should always be like that. I loved it!

I saw so many ‘gems’ thrown my way. Golden eureka moments that helped me to immediately place my understanding on solid ground and connect my thinking to my needs in a practical manner. Often it took me in a new direction or pushed me to consider a different perspective. I have dabbled with all of these learning tools, but I have not yet had the opportunity to frame them in a manner that makes sense for me as an educator. Often, one of the coach/facilitators provided me with a word or a metaphor that immediately allowed me to connect things in a deeper way for my world. Helping me understand perspective, relative importance and context is so useful for the growth I need right now.

What I Think…

This is where I am meant to be. It feels like the right fit. This is high-quality, think-different, head-in-the-clouds, big-ideas kinda stuff. I think that if I can do it right this experience will transform me — I’m just not yet sure into what 🙂

I was invited into an ongoing conversation that was warm, hip and fun. I know I’m going to get all of my questions answered.

Having a community of educators that share the same thirst I have has been revelatory for me. WOW! Grateful me thanks each of you.

This is a place for rich discussions with supportive, like minded and stimulating individuals. I am not intimidated, I do not feel out of place, I was able to be my authentic self and I fit right in — right away.

What I Wonder…

How am I going to capture the entirety of this experience?

I was invited to drink deeply from the stream of ideas. What am I going to do to give back and make a difference for others in a way that C21 is already making a difference for me? I am honoured to be an ambassador for something special.

Will I have the energy, time, and focus to pull off all of the things that I want to do professionally and personally this year? I am a learning addict, I like challenges, mostly I like living at the edge of control. It’s time to purge some of the old and make room for the new. Discomfort seems to be the new normal.

How am I going to execute all of the advice I heard concerning how best to benefit from the Cohort 21 experience? The year will go by too fast, I want to savour what is happening. How do I slow it down?

I mostly wonder what you think, what you are interested in, and what excites you professionally.

4 thoughts on “See/Think/Wonder & F2F

  1. Mike,
    It was nice to see you again on Saturday!
    Thank you for this thoughtful, heartfelt and eloquent reflection on the day. Your observations about how @gnichols and @jmedved are exactly what hooked most of us from the start. That, and the community of like-minded, thirsty teachers!
    The line “I like challenges, mostly I like living at the edge of control” especially resonates with me, as embracing ambiguity and change is something that I strive for and that I hope my students will also learn to do. Your attitude towards change will certainly set you up for success this year. If you haven’t already, check out @hadams post on the value of vulnerability. She highlights this need for us put ourselves out there in order to learn.
    We’re so glad to have you as part of the community this year. You are definitely in the right place 🙂

  2. Mike, it is wonderful to read your reflection. I love the Visible Thinking routine as a framework for your thoughts. As the men from Harvard claim, these routines are the vehicles that help develop a culture of thinking. My favourite line you wrote was “I am a learning addict, I like challenges” as I truly see this every time I have the privilege of visiting your classroom or have a conversation with you. I think this line speaks to your “I wonder” questions. This aspect of being a life long passionate learner is your true intellectual strength.

  3. Mike,
    I loved this post. I loved the honesty and reflection you brought to your writing. As an English teacher, I felt like I could hear your voice as you wrote. I am so looking forward to catching up with you tomorrow and getting a chance to listen to your action plan! I suspect the same eager and honest response will be forthcoming!

    Have a wonderful evening,

  4. Mike
    I am just seeing your blog today but can easily sense the depth to which you were hooked on Cohort21. I have always known you as a genuine learner and hope that this learning opportunity and others feed your thirst for continuous growth as an educator.

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